Thursday, January 7, 2010

Toys For Stroke Victims How Many Toys Should A Labrador Puppy Have?

How many toys should a labrador puppy have? - toys for stroke victims

We reach a puppy lab in a few days ago we went to buy some material for them, even toys. But I'm not sure whether we have enough. We bought a cute squeaky pheasant in August, a Kong toy, and a tug of war rope. Is it enough if you could recommend other toys?


Sabine said...

It is an inflatable balloon and indestructible, playing his attention to him. Nothing more.

Kayla C said...

For large breeds, such as a farmer, toys are needed if you have a small breed of dog. I recommend about 5-7 toys of all kinds, makes and for the year as a tennis ball, one that is fun, as someone who is bright, a pair of rubber toys and a couple who can put the food in. Make sure , like this:
Day 1 (Monday): 1 and Toy Toy 2
Day 2 (Tuesday): 2 and Toy Toy 3
Day 3 (Wednesday): Toy Toy 3 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Day 4 (Thursday): 4 and Toy Toy 5
You get the point. Toys are for energy levels and entertainment, to maintain very high energy breeds such as Labrador. They also provide physical stimulation, emotional and mental health for the dog, and I fear that all three toys will not be enough for the boy. It is well to an interactive toy) (rope, tug of war, but always ensure that you win !!!!!! This is, as always, if he wins necessary, they may think he is the senior officer / Pack, and the sense that its normal to be aggressive towards you f (mainlyEEDING time).
Good luck!

poodle power said...

That should be enough, but you can always buy more if desired. Chew bones are a good idea. With the tug of war rope, so that man always win. The Kong toys are best used for times when left alone. How did you do something, if it is the nature of human beings within, or even canned food. Another good toy is a ball that any little problem, the roll-out for giving him something to do when you're on the road has been able to.

SweetZ SkuLLy said...

Most puppies and dogs love balls .. If you have a great place for your dog to play and run, big balls .. good, and you can teach him, .. tricks How to catch the ball and the ball for you .. In general, as well as chew toys .. Large and small .. They have never, never bored with them!

bAssEt® said...

Buy lots of toys but the toys are still a puppy. otherwise the dog will be fed with them and will not be interested after one or two weeks.
I tell you the puppy ur new toy every week or two.
but you need to puppy chew toys are literally chew starters.or
I dont recommend toy.or Peanut Nutter Kong. (Advice from a veterinarian)
if the dog's age can be chewed and swallowed the tip of the Kong toy is a big problem for dog.the tend to stop looking for food on the way to easyer Kong.
Good luck and happy moments with the young

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